Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Have I been too negative?

Until my last post, I did not even have a "successes" category of posts. Oh, I already had categories ("labels," in Google Blogger parlance) regarding state of mind, like "attitude," "motivational resources," and "personal." But nothing explicitly designating a success.
Odd as it may seem, especially with my recent comment that this is a sad blog, I hadn't really thought that I was writing this blog or running my practice with a severely negative attitude (somewhat negative, sure). But I suspect that my lack of a "successes" category up to this point is because I was being too negative and overlooking other successes.
It took a big one like this — which I'm hoping is a sign of things to come — for me to start a "successes" category. Here's to many more posts going into that category!
UPDATE: You used to see this in my sidebar:
Not anymore. No doubt I will still use humor to get by tough times, but I think I'll try to keep it uplifting. I realized that sidebar gadget was violating my advice not to joke about failure.


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