Sunday, February 3, 2008

I want to be a "Shingular Sensation," Yeah!

Carolyn Elefant at My Shingle inaugurated her "Shingular Sensations" series last week. She says that every week or two, she hopes "to interview a solo or a small firm lawyer who in one way or another represents the best that this genre has to offer," and who can also teach us a thing or two. She starts her series with a profile of Andy Simpson, a lawyer in the Virgin Islands who recently obtained a large damage award against the U.S. Marshals Service in a discrimination case.
Believe me, if I can turn around my practice from its present situation, that may be worthy of a "Shingular Sensation" accolade. That would be cool, except for having to relive again how I got here.
But maybe no one will remember that part. Just like when people heap praise on someone for turning their life around from one addiction or another. (Hell, people heap praise on someone just for entering rehab, let alone completing it.) They remember the turnaround, not the addiction.
I hope that's the way it is for me. But to find out, I need to accomplish the turnaround first.


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